Thursday, March 31, 2011

3 Things That You Can Do Today That Will Make You More Awesome Tomorrow

Barney Stinson was not this awesome yesterday. He was still Doogie Howser.

1.  Set a simple goal and accomplish it

The thing about accomplishment is that it motivates you to accomplish more. When you can call a task complete, you feel satisfied and oftentimes energized to complete something else. So when I say simple, I mean it. You want to read more? Then your goal is to read 1 page of a book today. Just one. You’ve overcome the inertia to begin and accomplished a goal. It’s so simple that you can only fail if you want to.

My goal for today is: To write this blog entry. No, it’s not cheating to use this as my goal. It makes me more awesome and therefore qualifies.

2.  Learn a new word

I remember seeing on a movie, or maybe a TV show – doesn’t matter really – but there was a character and he had one of those “Word of the Day” calendars. For some reason, his use of this calendar and his attempts to apply his new word made him flawed in some way and we were supposed to regard him with little respect.  So essentially, the guy trying to expand his vocabulary is a clown. Well, at the end of the year that guy’s vocabulary exceeds yours by at least 365 words. He can communicate with greater clarity and nuance. Who’s the clown again? Learning a new word also means pronouncing it correctly and applying it appropriately in conversation. Misusing vocabulary earns negative awesome points.

My word for today is: PAEAN - a piece of writing, a song, etc. that expresses enthusiasm and admiration.  This blog is a paean to awesomeness.

I’ll do you a favor and get you started. The word is niche. Pronounce it as “neesh” instead of “nich” and use it in a sentence tomorrow. When people look confused, tell them that you’re not only awesome, but you’re erudite and articulate as well.

3.  Fully enjoy a moment

This one is a little “touchy feely.”  I know. You can measure whether or not you’ve set a simple goal and accomplished it. You can measure whether or not you’ve learned a new word.  But enjoying a moment is… ambiguous. So I guess the best way to approach this is to just try to do it until it feels right.

Maybe examples are in order:
  • You just took a long gulp of some ice cold grape pop. Lick your lips, smack obnoxiously, say “aaahhhhh, refreshing.” Grin like an idiot.
  • You just climbed into bed after a long day. Bundle the covers over your body, assume the fetal position, rub your feet together like a cricket. Grin like an idiot.
  • You just finished writing another personally satisfying blog entry. Spell check, find an amusingly appropriate picture, preview, post. Grin like an idiot.
  • You just finished reading The Awesomeness Consultant’s latest post. Laugh, cry, reflect, self-assess. Grin like an idiot.

 My moment of enjoyment for today: They just keep coming…

Monday, March 28, 2011

Your comfort zone is a trap

She's not gonna be comfortable for a long time...

Your couch is plush. Your feet are kicked up. Your belly is full and if it wasn’t, your refrigerator is. You have successfully carved out a comfort zone. Now, kill yourself.

Yeah, I went a little overboard with that. But once you get into that comfort zone, what’s the motivation to keep moving onward and upward? Comfort zones are deceiving little boxes where the variables are all known, the outcomes are all planned, and security abounds.  In this type of environment, evolution comes to a screeching halt.  Evolution is a result of adaptation. Adaptation occurs in response to changes in the environment. So if your environment never changes, it’s safe to say that you won’t either. You are an awesomely sophisticated machine and efficient to boot. That means once you’ve suitably adapted to an environment, you won’t waste a bit of energy on any further adaptation.  

No more adaptation = No more evolution :: No more evolution = No bigger, stronger, faster, smarter You.  

And that sucks.

I like comfort as much as the next guy, but is it worth sacrificing the next, even better version of me?  Is it worth setting to the side The Awesomeness Consultant v 2.0? And subsequently versions 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55… I gotta say no. 

So, what is there to do? Seek the challenge.  Cooking a healthy meal tonight may be uncomfortable. Running a couple of miles tomorrow may be uncomfortable.  Writing a business plan next week may be uncomfortable.  But you won’t be stuck in the trap. You will be evolving.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Screwing up may be the best thing you’ve ever done

A few minutes ago, Daniel screwed up 

You’ve screwed up. Royally. And as you sift through the pieces of your shattered project, job, reputation, relationship, etc…you don’t feel awesome one bit.  But what you may be failing to realize is that you could be standing in the aftermath of one of the best things that has happened to you.

While we give lip service to the fact that mistakes are opportunities for growth, we hate to make them. We hate dealing with the consequences of our screw-ups. We hate to be reminded that we may suck a little bit more than we otherwise thought (or at least projected). Why? Because behind the defensive mechanisms and the egoist posturing – we’re really fragile.  And often times, to protect that fragility we build walls, dig moats, erect watchtowers, and post/deploy armies.  So the “Nation of You” never really builds its internal resources (i.e. creativity, self-assessment), but commits all of its development to its external resources (i.e. finances, public image).

Sometimes when you screw up and are standing in the wreckage, you can actually see clearly to what extent you are really awesome or not. Sometimes when you fall off, you realize that you weren’t that far from the bottom to begin with – or you weren’t sitting as high as you thought you were.  A screw-up gives you at least a moment for a pretty clear reflection, without the distractions associated with maintaining the walls, the moats, and the army.  When you screw up you are found alone with simple, fragile YOU – the core from which your awesomeness actually emanates.

Monday, March 21, 2011

So ummm...Why the Awesomeness Consultant?

Appreciation for Ron Swanson = 1/3 of my Awesomeness equation

I’m a fan of human potential. I believe that each and every one of us has a seed –  an unknown quantity of quality – that when cultivated will grow into a full blown manifestation of awesomeness. 

Our lives have been influenced and shaped by the presence of awesomeness. Avatars of awesome have given us styles to wear, music to dance, thoughts to ponder, causes to fight and lives to imitate.  It is our duty to Pay it Forward and put some awesome into the world for the future  “us-es.” Once achieved, awesomeness has a permanent impact on our entire sphere of influence. 

Feel free to define awesomeness as you will.  As a matter of fact, it is absolutely necessary for you to define it for yourself. Mine can be found below; graphically depicted at the top of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs above Self-Actualization. Simply its: “self-awareness devoid of self-consciousness, magnanimity, and appreciation for Ron Swanson”

I fully understand that I have not yet answered the million dollar question yet: Why the Awesomeness Consultant?

That begs at least 2 questions:
1) Why should I involve myself in your awesomeness? …and a better question: 2)What qualifies me to do it?

The answer it question 1 is simple.
Awesome people make the world more awesome by their interactions within it.  If I can help a few more awesome people to realize themselves, then I have had an incredible impact on the world.

The answer to question 2 is equally simple.
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Make no mistake, I am sufficiently awesome. But I am not yet at the sublime level of awesomeness that I seek (akin to achieving “The Glow”), although I am at least a full 1/3 of the way there according to my definition. Also, there's an abused euphemism about the qualified not being chosen and the chosen being not qualified, but then qualified because they're chosen....its confusing. Forget that I mentioned it (unless it helps to make my point).

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Awesomeness Demands Theme Music

You need theme music. If you fancy yourself to be an awesome individual, but don’t have any….fancy different. The following awesomeness avatars have theme music, why shouldn’t you?

The force is strong with the Awesomeness Consultant                  

He's a bad mutha...shut your mouth. I'm only talking bout  AC

Who you gonna call? (you already know)                                

Optimally, you would have a valet following you around with a shopping cart full of speakers hooked to an iPod, laptop, Walkman, turntable, or something.  But in real life, that’s not how it goes. Functionally, you have certain songs that play in your mental background at certain times that you connect with on some profound level. This is a good indication that it may be your theme music. Allow me to share with you the Top 5 selections of personal theme music (in no particular order) that comprise my Awesomeness Soundtrack. And my valet pushes the button…

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Utter Failure of the Awesomeness Consultant

That's right. It says FAIL. But not at the actual website.

You may at this point be confused and say to me: “What failure?  I’ve read your awesome blog over the course of the last week and if there is one thing you are not sir, it’s a failure.” And I’d nod graciously, thanking you for your generous reverence.  But the fact is, The Awesomeness Consultant once failed miserably.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Being Awesome Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

Ralphie does not feel like being awesome right now - although he plainly is

Friday night 5pm EST – You’ve just finished a week long workshop in Ohio that taxed your mental resources.  You’ve had long days and restless nights in a Holiday Inn Express. However, you conquered. You are awesome.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dream an Awesome Dream: The Wisdom of Kung-Fu Panda

I love Kung Fu Panda.  The story is representative of many of our journeys to awesomeness.  And just like our journeys, this story started with a dream. For those not familiar with the story, here’s the Awesomeness Consultant’s  abbreviated version:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Journey to Awesomeness

Today’s inspiration for awesome: “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” Lao Tzu

Allow me to take a little liberty with the wise words of Lao Tzu – “The journey to awesomeness must begin with a single step.” To be awesome, you’ve simply got to start stepping.